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How To Stop Screwing Yourself Out Of Success: An Interview With Legendary Life Coach Debbie Ford



If you’re like most people, you’ve probably been unconsciously punishing yourself for the regrets and failures in your life -- essentially screwing yourself out of happiness and success without even knowing it. But in this audio, you’ll hear how to stop that cycle once and for all from Debbie Ford, author of Why Good People Do Bad Things. According to her, the first thing we have to do is recognize our faults and forgive ourselves for being human. Hiding and suppressing our true feelings is like holding a beach ball under water it will come to the surface, and usually in a surprising way. So in this audio, you’ll hear the steps you can take to get back in touch with your authentic self, trust your instincts, and reclaim your self-esteem. According to Debbie, everyone has a dark side, but it’s not a bad thing. It’s when we don’t have compassion for our mistakes and impulses that will actually be our downfall. And in this audio, you’ll hear how to stop letting guilt and fear lead you to failure and instead