Coaching For Leaders

172: How to Handle Workplace Bullying



Workplace bullying is real for trailblazers. Col. Jill Morgenthaler had the courage to take command and shares leadership lessons for other trailblazers. Col. Jill Morgenthaler, USA, Ret. Author, The Courage to Take Command: Leadership Lessons from a Military Trailblazer* How a female US Army colonel tamed the males-only Egyptian Army “I’m not going to change the culture, but I can adjust the behavior.” -Jill Morgenthaler Sometimes bullies don’t know they’re bullies. Ensure that we don’t become the bullies ourselves. Aggressiveness vs. assertiveness. When people starting to show disrespect, he would stop it immediately. Hang back and watch when moving into a new situation. Ask people how they want to be rewarded. Never ask anyone something that you’re not willing to do. Feedback Join the conversation: Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: Next Q&A show is episode #174 on resources for leaders Thank you