Coaching For Leaders

175: How to Know When to Move On



You’ve been in the job for awhile. You’re maybe not feeling that same sense of motivation or fulfillment that you once did. How do you know when to move on? In this episode, five indicators that will help you answer that question. 1. When it’s beyond a bad day, week, or month. “Being a professional is doing the things you love to do, on the days you don’t feel like doing them.” -Julius Erving 2. When its not fulfilling anymore to solve problems. I mentioned Michael Hyatt's appearance on episode #40. “Great marketing only makes a bad product fail faster.” -David Ogilvy Every organization has the well-connected people who are marketing a bad “product” or at least a mediocre one. Are you solving problems, or are you window dressing? 3. When you’re living in Groundhog Day. You can become the cynic who says, “This is the way we do things around here.” 4. When you think the same way today that you did a year ago. You should, on occasion, be able to look back on a decision you made in the pas