Coaching For Leaders

211: How to Be Present and Productive



Jeremie Kubicek 5 Gears: How to Be Present and Productive When There is Never Enough Time* Jeremie Kubicek is co-founder of GiANT Worldwide and the GiANT companies. He is the bestselling author of Making Your Leadership Come Alive and speaker to organizations throughout the world on transformational leadership, emotional intelligence, and personal growth. 5th Gear: Learn to Get "In the Zone" Do you have trouble getting "In The Zone"? This is where 5th gear can help. Time flies by, you get things done, and progress is made. Dave mentioned the book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience* by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. 4th Gear: Leading in a Task World Most adults spend their day multi-tasking with phone calls, emails, chores and more. Learning how to manage 4th gear correctly is key for maximum productivity. 3rd Gear: Why Being Social Matters Third Gear is all about being social and building friendships. It happens in coffee shops, at dinner parties and other social gatherings, and it's the secret ingred