Coaching For Leaders

232: How to Manage Your Inner Critic, with Tara Mohr



Tara Mohr Author, Playing Big: Find Your Voice, Your Mission, Your Message* Your worst critic is probably yourself. Tara Mohr joins Dave to show you how to manage your inner critic. Actions to overcome your inner critic Write down your inner critic’s most commonly voiced lines. Create a character that suits your inner critic’s voice, and then picture it when you hear the voice. Look at the voice with compassion, trying to understand what your safety instinct is afraid of. Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future question and answer shows: The next question and answer show is episode 235 Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is delivered to your inbox each Wednesday and includes my thoughts and recommendations on the best articles, podcasts, videos, and books, to support your development between shows. It also includes a brief overview and link to the full weekly show notes. As a bonus, when you join the weekl