Coaching For Leaders

241: Turn Followers Into Leaders, with David Marquet



David Marquet: Turn the Ship Around!* Website: Former nuclear submarine commander David Marquet teaches us how to of turn followers into leaders. Quotes Good leaders give good orders, but great leaders don’t give any orders because they’ve built a team that doesn’t need to be told what to do. —David Marquet Too many times leaders think the problem is “out there,” but the real problem is in their own head. —David Marquet You only need to do one thing to engage employees: give them decision-making authority. —David Marquet By treating people like leaders, you build more leaders. —David Marquet The concept is act your way into new thinking, not think your way into new actions. —David Marquet Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 243 If you're not already subscribed to this show, please do so and you’ll get new episodes every Monday. Just search for Coaching for Leaders on iTunes, Stitcher