Coaching For Leaders

242: How Twitter Can Help You Lead, with Joel Comm



Joel Comm: Author, Twitter Power 3.0* @joelcomm Joel shares strategies from his book Twitter 3.0* to help us discover how to use Twitter to support leadership development. Quotes The crazy, mundane tweets actually turn out to be one of the areas that more people connect with because we can relate to the silly things … it provides real human connection. —Joel Comm When we talk about search, people immediately go to Google … but Twitter is actually one of the greatest search engines on the web. —Joel Comm Authenticity is the key word; people are tired of being marketed to. —Joel Comm The question shouldn’t be, “How do I use Twitter to market?” The question should be, “How do I reach into this audience … and bring value to them?” —Joel Comm Twitter is the watercooler of our time. —Joel Comm Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future Q&A shows: The next Q&A show is episode 243 If you're not already subscribed to this