Coaching For Leaders

246: The Way to Conduct One-on-Ones, with Zvi Band



Zvi Band: CEO and Co-Founder of Contactually Zvi from Contactually shares how his organization conducts one-on-ones and how their strategy leads to results. Zvi’s Articles: Getting the Pulse of Your Company What a Startup Should Offer Its Employees Exit Interview One-on-Ones Servant Leadership Feedback Comments, questions, or feedback for future question and answer shows: The next question and answer show is episode 248 If you're not already subscribed to this show, please do so and you’ll get new episodes every Monday. Just search for Coaching for Leaders on iTunes, Stitcher, or any podcast app you use and subscribe there. Please join my weekly leadership guide. The leadership guide is delivered to your inbox each Wednesday and includes my thoughts and recommendations on the best articles, podcasts, videos, and books to support your development between shows. It also includes a brief overview and link to the full weekly show notes. If you, like me, te