Coaching For Leaders

256: Leading Leaders and More Questions



Bonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak (Web) (Twitter) is Dave’s life partner and best friend, a business professor, past executive leader, and the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Key Points Phan asked about how to best identify a business partner. Ruben asked for recommendations on 360 assessments. Jaimee asked about how to educate herself on becoming a leader of leaders. Phillip asked how leaders can themselves find the next opportunity, especially without the right experience. Resources Mentioned Startup podcast The Leadership Challenge* by James Kouzes and Barry Posner Leadership Practices Inventory Human Synergistics 42 Rules for Your New Leadership Role* by Pam Fox Rollin Your First 100 Days In a New Executive Job* by Robert Hargrove Join the Weekly Leadership Guide Get each episode's show notes and Dave's handpicked resources for leadership in your inbox each Wednesday. Plus, get instant access to Dave's readers' guide listing the 10 leadership books