Coaching For Leaders

258: Moving Beyond Command and Control, with Brian Robertson



Brian Robertson: Holacracy Brian Robertson (web) (LinkedIn) is the primary developer of Holacracy, which allows leaders to release the reins of personal power and persuasion into a trustworthy and explicit governance process. He co-founded HolacracyOne to support Holacracy’s growth, and he fills and loves a broad variety of the company’s roles. Brian is the author of the book Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World*. Key Points Holocracy functions like a city; everybody knows the parameters, and they go about their business without constantly having to consult a leader. It replaces the functions of managers with a set of processes. It holds meetings to decide who has authority and is responsible for each project, but not to decide how to do a project. Resources Mentioned Holacracy: The New Management System for a Rapidly Changing World* by Brian Robertson Join the Weekly Leadership Guide Get each episode's show notes and Dave's handpicked resources for leadership in your