Coaching For Leaders

271: How to Increase Your Conversational Intelligence, with Judith Glaser



Judith Glaser: Conversational Intelligence Judith Glaser is an Organizational Anthropologist. She is one of the most pioneering and innovative change agents, consultants, and executive coaches, in the consulting industry and is the world’s leading authority on Conversational Intelligence, Neuro-innovation, and WE-centric Leadership. She is a best-selling author of seven business books including her newest best seller Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results. Key Points Great conversation leads to great relationships, which leads to great culture. Level I conversations are about resistance Level II conversations are about “wait and see“ Level III conversations are about co-creation When we are threatened by others, cortisol can linger for 26 hours. Children have the same capacity for conversational intelligence that adults do, but only if we have the courage to nurture their growth. Resources Mentioned Conversational Intelligence by Judith Glaser