Coaching For Leaders

287: Why to Start With Why and More Questions



Bonni Stachowiak: Teaching in Higher Ed Bonni Stachowiak (web) (Twitter) is Dave’s life partner and best friend, business professor, past executive leader, and the host of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Questions Roger asked about the best way to motivate a remote employee who is just doing the bare minimum to get by. Thomas asked how to inspire a sales team that is not hitting their numbers. Kristeen asked our opinion on the value of a master’s degree in today’s economy. Francisco asked if he should include comments from past customers on his LinkedIn profile after a negative separation from a company. Andy wondered about how the business model works for our podcast. Resources Mentioned CFL286: How to Influence Cross Culturally Zoom video conferencing service* Slack Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel Pink* First Break All the Rules by Gallup* Start with Why by Simon Sinek* CFL190: How to Improve Your Coaching Skills with Tom Henschel ”On The Folly O