Coaching For Leaders

293: Leverage StrengthsFinder for Your Team, with Lisa Cummings



Lisa Cummings: Lead Through Strengths Lisa Cummings is the founder and CEO of Lead Through Strengths, a firm that exists to help people find and use their strengths at work. Lisa and her team serve large teams and organizations to help them leverage the results of the CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder) assessment. She is also the host of the popular Lead Through Strengths podcast. Many organizations utilize the StrengthsFinder assessment, but few leaders go beyond a brief discussion and perhaps asking employees to share their results with peers. In this conversation, Lisa and I discuss how she helps leaders and teams leverage StrengthsFinder results and how to utilize them for ongoing coaching and talent development. Key Points Understanding another person’s strengths can help you work better with them. CliftonStrengths (formerly StrengthsFinder) conversations should not just happen one day a year, they should be discussed and thought about often. Ask employees, “How did you use your strength