Coaching For Leaders

300: Tom Henschel Interviews Dave



Dave Stachowiak: Coaching for Leaders Tom Henschel, host of The Look & Sound of Leadership podcast, executive coach at Essential Communications, and friend of Dave, interviews him on the growth of Coaching for Leaders and how he developed his voice. Key Points When trying to do something that helps others, remember that it’s not about you—don’t worry about you, worry about them. The best way to build a connection with people is to get really curious about them. You have to make the decision to listen. If you don’t have a lot of time to listen, figure out how much time you do have and make the decision to be totally present in that short time. Listening is an attitude, not a set of skills. View failure as data rather than an identity. Resources Mentioned The Look & Sound of Leadership podcast CFL episode with Susan Cain CFL episode with Michael Port Failing Forward * by John C. Maxwell CFL episode 1 The Lean Startup* by Eric Ries Listener Survey Please complete my upcoming listener