Coaching For Leaders

303: The Way to Inspire Ownership, with Pete Mockaitis



Pete Mockaitis: How to Be Awesome at Your Job Pete Mockaitis is the host of the How to be Awesome at Your Job podcast, regularly listed as a top careers show on Apple podcasts. Key Points Your sense of ownership in your work can have huge consequences in how well things unfold. Self-efficacy has a large effect on your sense of ownership in your work. Try to connect the job someone is doing with the overall mission of the organization. The effects of micromanaging can be disastrous for an organization. When delegating a job, think about the critical components of the job and what you want the result to be, then let employees get the job done however they see fit. Delegation doesn’t have to be an all-in-one-shot type of thing, it can be done in stages. Steps to delegating: Watch me do this Help me do this Let’s do this together I’ll help you do this I’ll watch you do this. Resources Mentioned Albert Bandura The 80/20 Principle* by Richard Koch Essentialism* by Greg McKeown The