Coaching For Leaders

318: Ideas Worth Stealing From Top Entrepreneurs, with Dorie Clark



Dorie Clark: Entrepreneurial You Dorie Clark is a marketing strategy consultant, professional speaker, and frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review. Recognized as a branding expert by the Associated Press, Fortune, and Inc. magazine, she is the author of the new book, Entrepreneurial You* — and her prior books, Reinventing You* and Stand Out*. Key Points Even things that seem solid can change at any moment. Anybody, in any career, needs to emphasize flexibility and adaptability. 35% of Americans are self-employed, projected to be 40% by 2020. Entrepreneurial side projects expand your skills for your main career. Side projects often create new career opportunities. If something is not being done, ask why is it not being done. Because it’s impossible? Or just hard? Check for metrics that you’re heading in the right direction. Progress might not always come in the form you’re expecting. How do you diversify but do it in a way that doesn’t pull you in a million directions? Resources