Coaching For Leaders

336: The Choice for Compassion, with Edith Eger



Edith Eger: The Choice Edith Eger is one of the few living Holocaust survivors to remember the horrors of the camps. Today, at 90 years old, Edie is a renowned psychologist and speaker who specializes in treating patients with traumatic stress disorders. She is author of the recently published book, The Choice: Embrace the Possible*. Key Points It’s not what happens in life, it’s what we do with it. The power we have is to choose to respond, not react. Sometimes seemingly insignificant worries are emblematic of greater pain. If you hate a person, they don’t suffer — you do. There’s nothing wrong with anger, it’s how you channel it. Underneath anger is a lot of pain. Resources Mentioned The Choice: Embrace the Possible* by Edith Eger Man’s Search for Meaning* by Viktor E. Frankl Book Notes Download my highlights from The Choice in PDF format (free membership required). Related Episodes Everyday People, Extraordinary Leaders: Olivia Klaus (episode 103) Things Mentally Strong People Don’