Nerds Without Pants

Episode 3: The Hardest Trophy



And we’re back! Scheduling problems and technical difficulties can’t keep your favorite nerd trio from removing their pants and talking about some awesome video games. We kick it off as always with what we’ve been playing, including PlayStation All-Stars, Little Big Planet Karting, Dyad, and Robot Rob’s hatred of Batman: Arkham City. Julian confesses his new nerd addiction: table top games! The topic this episode is everything trophy and achievement. Gamers have been addicted to these little pieces of digital flair for years now, and Patrick wants to know how we feel about them as a group. Rob spends the episode in complete denial of his achievement lust, while Julian and Patrick completely admit to their addictions. We talk about our first achievements, the ones we tried the hardest for, and the ones that seemed particularly lame. We also talk about Rob’s atavistic fear of Disney’s Cars before closing things out with some shameless self-promotion. Join our Facebook fanpage