Nerds Without Pants

Episode 71: B Sides



Welcome to a fun-filled episode of Nerds Without Pants! We are joined once again by Friend Of The Show John Gholson to talk all about B movies and B games. What exactly do those entail? I'm glad you asked. Fortunately, we have John's incredible knowledge of film to lead the way. We skip the Consumption Junction portion of the show and instead split it into a section on movies and a section on video games. Enjoy! In the movie portion of the show, John gives us a working definition of B movie. It's more complex than you might think! We talk about some of our earliest experiences with B movies, why we actively seek them out, and the sweet, sweet pain of Santa Claus Meets The Ice Cream Bunny. Yup. Julian takes the reins of the video game section, where he lays out what he means by B games. It turns out that it is an even tougher thing to pin down than B movies. Basically, we know them when we see them. We talk about guilty pleasures, good games that time forgot, and finish things off with the most embarrassing ga