Nerds Without Pants

Episode 92: The EVOlution of NWP



Welcome to a new era of Nerds Without Pants! This week, we roll out our latest segment: Stage Select! This is intended to be a special talking point segment to kick off each episode that should last about 20 to 30 minutes, but our inaugural edition clocks in at almost 2 hours. Wait, come back! We’re joined by JD, and the very first Stage Select tackles our top 5 games of All Time, which is why it becomes such an epic conversation. This is by design, as we hope it will give new listeners and old a great barometer for our gaming tastes. If you know the Pantsless Ones well you may still be surprised at some of the selections! After that, JD tells us about his first trip to the legendary Evo fighting game tournament. From his training regimen to his feelings about the tournament proper and some cool celebrity sightings, JD’s trip to Vegas was one for the ages. We wrap things up with Chrono Crossing. This episode we’re tackling 2010, which was a phenomenal year for video games. Next episode we wi