Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

Keeping Your Documents Secure with Tomas Suros



What are you doing to keep your documents secure and your data protected? Today we have Tomas Suros, Chief Solutions Architect, Practice Automation, at AbacusNext. They’ve developed an innovative, all-in-one system for the legal and compliance field that makes work more efficient and more secure. Today we’re learning more about the system and what it can do.Tomas’s background: when law meets techTomas attended law school at the time the internet boom was in full swing, with his classes applying their concepts to the internet, back when it still had no jurisdictional boundaries. Right after graduation, he worked for Pandora, a streaming radio entity and his first experience with the technology of law, and eventually, his interests turned to leveraging technology for compliance and developing software tools for lawyers. AbacusNext: What is it, and how does it work?AbacusNext uses software tools to protect data and give companies efficient access to them through a private cloud environment. Having a private clou