Limited Appeal

Limited Appeal - Cocktail Band Party (not the video game) Part 1



We're live! Face to face to face. One face is missing. But it probably also has nose hair. Ugh – this is, even, by our standards, a rather disgusting episode. What about above-the-ass back hair? Listen carefully, and you'll discover whether these traits are a tipping point concerning whether we'll be able to continue procreating. Or maybe that's a complete bit of nonsense that you won't be able to help but shake your head at. Anyway, if you're still listening by some chance, we later try to name 5 band names that could be a phallic euphemism. Play along. Not with your phallus, you pervert! With our name around 5 things segment. Jesus. If you can stop touching yourself long enough to free up one hand, and if you want John to send you a free photo of his back hair, email us ( Theme music courtesy of Mugison and Ipecac Recordings.