No Excuses

Ep. 94 - The Muppet Movie (1979) [Guest: Griffin Newman from The Tick, Blank Check]



Mike and Jenny are joined by Muppet obsessive Griffin Newman, from Amazon's The Tick and the Blank Check podcast, to discuss the felt gang's first foray into motion pictures: 1979's The Muppet Movie. They discuss the physical discomfort of being a Muppet performer, the smart uses of meta-narrative and breaking of the fourth wall, our Muppet histories, the injustice of "Rainbow Connection" losing the Best Original Song Oscar, and much more, Muppet related and not. Leave us reviews on iTunes! Follow Us: @NoExcusesPod, @MikeShutt15, @JennyLeighx33, @GriffLightning E-Mail Us: