Success In Entrepreneurship And Life

SEL #7 High Achieving Habits w/ Matt Baducci



This episode gets into how to set goals and achieve them. We discuss a ton of powerful tools to catapult your success.Matt is a first and foremost a husband and father of a 19 month old and baby girl on the way. He grew up just above the poverty line in Chicago and learned hard work from an early age, allowing him to excel in sports winning a bronze and Silver medal in HS for the USA organization. From there he got bit by the entrepreneurship bug at 19 and since the has build 4 different businesses ranging from 80,000 to 2.6 million before he was 30. At 30 Matt decided to sell his equity in his last business and go after his true passion of being a speaker and high performance Men's Coach with the goal of impacting millions of people.He has found after going through a mid life crisis at 29, that as a man he was missing a couple key components. He figured he couldn't be the only one, so he launched a awesome Men's Mastermind called the Healthier Wealthier Happier man, where he runs 12 person masterminds foc