Success In Entrepreneurship And Life

SEL #11 Personal Branding w/Robert Courtney



What is personal branding? It seems to be a buzz-word that a lot of people are talking about. It's more than just an image and presence. We get into what it is, how to use it to maximize your efforts in achieving success in personal and professional life.Robert Courtney is an innovator of disruptive business strategies, and a builder of community through digital marketing, branding, and service. A desire to invest into the development of people and their personal brand has been a vision of his for over a decade. In 2008, he founded UNEEK, a barbershop turned global fashion line and events company that has seen the likes of over 500 events and sales in Austria, Australia, and various parts of the United States. In 2013, Robert began consulting people to help establish and define their brands. One year later, following the death of his father, he decided to give more time to this aspect of his business. Months leading up to his passing, many conversations they had centered on the importance of philanthropy,