Cruise Control: Ask A Car Guy Anything

Episode Six: Big Brother



Side note, I kinda hate doing one-takes anyway but I do even more so with guests because you have to coordinate with them to get them to meet you. Especially when some of the problems in the audio crop up after you've already recorded it. All in all, in this impromptu (and forgive me for the glitches in the audio) episode, me and J.P. sit down with Don and Michelle (I hope I spelled their names correctly) and talk about vehicle safety and how the technology surrounding the mainstream suite of driver assist technologies such as autonomous driving, adaptive cruise control, and emergency pedestrian braking can either aid the driver or disengage the driver when using them. Again, I honestly do appreciate the glitches in the audio... the excessive glitches... during this session. I promise you it won't happen again. As always, our social media links are in the description if you want a simplified, and not so glitchy, rundown of what we talked about today. -Kevin