Bede There, Done That

Episode 2: Getting to Know Us



Episode 2 - Show Notes In our second episode, we take a step back from history to discuss our faith, education, and plans for the podcast. You will learn the random ways we discovered our love of history: with Lilia her interest in history began with learning about Vlad the Impaler (Dracula); and with Jake it started with a trip to a colonial history museum in Deerfield, Massachusetts. Our faith and interest in history grew at the University of Dallas, where we met each other while studying abroad in Rome. We hope this podcast will help others learn about Catholic history along with us. Join us next time as we discuss St. Thomas More. References: * University of Dallas - the Rome program St. Bede the Venerable - A patron saint of historians and a Doctor of the Church, who we reference in the podcast's name. He was a Benedictine priest who lived his life in prayer and study in the late 7th/early 8th century in Anglo-Saxon England. He is most famous for writing The Ecclesias