Mobile Couch

52: It’s a Dubbit



Jelly’s had some wine, and a long day to boot, so after a failed first attempt at recording the episode, the couch talks developing for Android, goes into more detail about the value types discussion from the last episode, discusses the Blue and Black/White and Gold dress dilemma, and makes predictions for the “Spring Forward” event. In the past week, the Australian media have been shocked to discover that you can send iMessages to people if you know their email address, much to Jake’s annoyance. Meanwhile, Jelly takes no stock in the mainstream media’s ability to report accurately on technology issues, citing people’s tendency to blame technology for things that are actually user error. This leads to a quick discussion of how old devices are treated and Ben’s inability to keep one charged off of the cable. Ben then starts to give a bit of a primer for getting started with Android development, including which IDE to grab and how to get the emulator running. This is soon somewhat derailed as Jake begins to l