Mobile Couch

55: Confessing Your Naivety



Leading with follow-up, Jake touches on his experiences with developing a WatchKit after having talked to David, how he’s fetching the content for his glance, and how the Swings analogy made him rethink the way he was trying to lay out his views (and thus making his efforts more successful). After getting nostalgic about a listener-submitted Codewarrior mug, Jake talks a little about the various Steve Jobs biographies he’s read, before touching on some assert related feedback. This leads Ben to pose the question about whether you should leave asserts on, or remove them for release code. The couch discusses where people use asserts, and in what cases you might actually want to ship asserts rather than displaying an error. Moving on, Jake asks if Ben has any opinions on testing, and this leads into a discussion about unit testing, and what exactly a unit test should cover. From the conversation expands to cover various other kinds of testing, like integration testing, and UI testing with UI automation. As t