Tyson's Fitness Tips

Episode #124 - Why You Shouldn't Train Like A Bodybuilder



Every time you open up a magazine or look at a forum what's the most common type of workout you will see? A bro split of course.  When you ask someone what they're training today they're most likely going to tell you that it's "Arms day" or back day. The problem with this is that these programs aren't suitable for guys like you. Unless you've got hours you can spend in the gym absolutely annihilating a body part and you have enough drugs to recover from such a brutal workout you're actually doing yourself more harm than good. You don’t need to train like a bro or a “bodybuilder” to get decent results and if you aren’t spending hours in the gym every day and taking drugs then training one body part a day isn’t the best option for you.  After training a muscle it takes 48 hours for that muscle to fully recover and then you can train that same muscle again. That means you can train all your muscle groups 2 - 3 times a week.  Why is this better? Because the more times you can train a muscle you can build that mu