Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

Moving to the Front Lines of Compliance, Part 3



We're midway through Tom's five-part series that explores innovation in the compliance function. In today's episode, he considers how design thinking can help Chief Compliance Officers create more robust compliance programs that will become deeply rooted in the company's core.In a recent Harvard Business Review (HBR) article, Jon Kolko discussed how design thinking can bring innovation into a compliance program. The article,  “Design Thinking Comes of Age," talked about how “the approach, once used primarily in product design, is now infusing corporate culture.” It can be used to redesign your compliance program for your internal customers, like your employees and contractors. The goal in redesigning the compliance program is to get these groups to fluidly follow compliance protocols without a second thought. Here are Kolko's Components of Design Thinking:Focus on the users’ experience with compliance. Designers should focus on the "emotional experience” of the users. Doing so allows the user to fin