Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

Separate the Message from the Delivery Mechanism with Ronnie Feldman



Today on the show, we have a guest who isn’t your typical compliance professional. Ronnie Feldman is the President and Creative Director at Learnings and Entertainments… and a comedian! Ronnie and his team help clients communicate more effectively through humor and entertainment, and when it comes to a subject as serious as compliance, Ronnie shares that laughter may be the best teacher.Engaging employees with comedyTreating a serious subject seriously is a surefire way to make it boring, pedantic, and to lose your employees’ attention. You have to separate the message from the delivery mechanism. As compliance professionals, employees might dislike or be afraid of you, so there needs to be a friendly and positive way to approach these subjects. Also, a majority of employees don’t think about these issues regularly, if at all, and this is mostly because we aren't communicating effectively. A better approach is to treat the subject matter like advertisers: things like helpline jingles might be weird, but it st