Cedar Ridge Church

SYMBOL - Audio



A symbol is used for or regarded as representing something else. Many times a symbol can represent an entire story or philosophy without using any words. Our culture is full of them. From the Nike Swoosh to the MAC Apple. But there is one symbol that surpasses them all. It is the symbol of the Cross. It evokes such emotion and the story behind it changed the world. To the surprise of many the Cross did not become a symbol of Christianity until 300yrs after Jesus died on one. The early church even banned it from being used in art or even drawn. The great C.S. Lewis even wrote, Crucifixion did not become common in art until all who had seen a real one died off. It now represents hope and salvation, but it has not always been this way. How did something so horrific that represented death come to now represent life? Join us as review the history of this symbol known as the Cross as it leads us into a time of remembrance and communion.