Cedar Ridge Church

FROM WITH 1- The Hidden Chamber - Audio



IT CAME FROM WITHIN: You can't run from what lurks within! They are more frightening than Frankenstein. They are more destructive than alien invaders. They will numb your soul, steal your life, and threaten your most treasured relationships. Who are these creatures? Where do they come from? At the fall of mankind they were unleashed on the world, wreaking havoc and sending thousands fleeing from their homes. And their lair is found in the last place anyone wants to look -- the mysterious depths of their own hearts! But be encouraged, these monsters have a weakness. They can be defeated. You can escape their clutches and be free of their influence. Learn the truth -- before it's too late! In this five-part series, we will examine four conditions of the heart that are at the root of sour attitudes, hurt-filled relationships, and regretful actions: guilt, jealousy, greed and anger. We will learn how to fight these creatures where they live by going right to the heart of the matter.