Not Suitable For Work Podcast

Scratching the Entrepreneurial Itch



How many of you out there have the dream of being an entrepreneur and making boat loads of Benjamins? Being an entrepreneur became a national fixation starting with the craze back in the late 90’s. Everyone wanted to get in on the game. The lure of cashing in on the next big thing was omnipresent. It seemed like millionaires were being minted on a daily basis. When the bubble burst in the early 2000’s the promise of making easy millions off the sweat of your own brow was already seeded as a way to be your own boss and live the American Dream. (Working for “the man” became passe.) There’s a romantic notion of creating something that becomes a commercial success. It’s the ultimate achievement. So much so, 25 million Americans are starting or running new businesses. Recently, Peter binged the podcast, “How I Built This”. These stories of entrepreneurial success are inspirational and make it seem wildly possible, but that is only the case 18% of the time. What about the other 82%? In this episode, we hear