Miss Style, Strength And Grace With Deidra Murphy

70: Goal Digging - Make 2019 Your B Word!



Black Friday is over and as a personal stylist, I actually avoided the shopping and sales like the plague! Does that surprise you? Many friends and family are shocked every year when I explain that I don't black Friday shop (actually for a lot of reasons), and then I explain what I always spend my holiday weekend actually doing... The Murphy duo become hermits on the weekend after Thanksgiving, seriously. My husband and I seclude ourselves from the world and take an entire day to become Goal Diggers. Now I know I didn't coin that term, (thank you to Jenna Kutcher for the term Goal Digger), but I think it is a great way to explain what I spend an entire day doing with my husband. We reflect on the previous year's goals, what big accomplishments were reached, where do we each need to reassess and change our personal/couple/business goals, and where do we see the next year taking us. Would you like to know our secrets, steps, and actionable ways to create concrete and attainable (aka measurable) goals? Listen to