The Wade Alters Show

Dealing w/ Haters & Turning Them Into Your Biggest Fans



What would you say if I told you that the world needed you? That we're waiting for you to show up and shed the light on the unique experiences and obstacles you’ve overcome… People all over the world who need the lessons you’ve learned. If only you knew how to share it properly… And find the people that would listen! Because one of the most important things I’ve done is helping people realize they're not alone. But for all the people whose lives have changed...  There is a directly equal amount of people who hate me with all their guts.  But I love it. If I don’t have haters, I know my content isn’t good enough. Anytime you try to do something great with your life, there are always going to be others who try to bring you down.  We need to push past that and go back to the basics of Self-Development: Pushing our comfort zone. Too many of us are not living our dreams because we’re living in our fears. Which is the topics for this week’s podcast! Check out let me know whatcha think.