The Orville Lights Podcast

It's Turning Purple, I Think We Should Quit



When Stef is away the boys will play. Palmer and Henno segue into erotic fan fiction and review It's Turning Purple, I Think We Should Quit by Thor M.F. Jones, a pen name for the pen name of Zig Zag Claybourne, author and publisher. 50 Shades Of Gray is so passe' so we go Purple. Thank you to Shot Of History podcast for introducing us to Zig Zag Claybourne. You can find SOH at and on twitter @shotofhistory and Zig Zag Claybourne @ZZClaybourne on twitter and check out his Amazon page linked above. Please check out Agent Palmer's blog and you can find him on twitter @agentpalmer To listen to previous Orville Lights see ep84-90 Special thanks to Doug LeMesurier for the new The Orville Lights logo @jlemesur Gotham Lights is part of the Danger Entertainment Network twitter: @gothamlights @idahenno @badwolfbay87 Danger Entertainment Network Gotham Ligh