
Comprehending the Universe – November 19, 2018



How often have you laid under a night sky and wondered what is or might be out there in the endless tracts of space? Are there neutrinos passing through your body as you lay there? Are there places just like earth far beyond what you can see…are there other beings there, and will we ever be able to converse with them – or do we need to fear them? We delve into some of those thoughts on today’s Perspective.  Guest: Dr. Jo Dunkley, professor of physics and astrophysical sciences at Princeton University. Perspective is a weekly public affairs program hosted by Richard Baker, communications professor at Kansas State University. Perspective has been continuously produced for radio stations across the nation by K-State for well over six decades. The program has included interviews with dignitaries, authors and thought leaders from around the world. Send comments, questions or requests for copies of past programs to K‑State Research and Extension is a short name for the Kansas State University Agri