Delight Your Marriage

156-Encourage Your Wife's Sexuality (How A Husband Can Help His Wife Be More Into Sex) P1



(Part 1) You may want more sex. You may want her to want you more. You may want her to care more about your drive. Maybe all of the above and a whole lot more... Well, the biggest barrier women face is insecurity. An insecure wife can't take off her clothes, can't seduce, can't enjoy physical intimacy. But isn't that her problem? Isn't that something she needs to go do, with the guidance of her husband? NO! Please stop pushing/teaching/correcting/criticizing... your wife on sexual things.  It is not helping it is hurting---your cause AND your wife. So today's episode is all about getting you dear husband, to understand 1) your wife's mind 2) her biggest barrier to love making 3) what you can do about it Why did I have to make this episode? I hear far more from husbands than I do from wives. And it's time I gave these hurting husbands some help. Its not that they don't care about their wives and which is why they treat them this way. Not in the least. It's that they don't feel loved by their wives through sex