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HOW TO LET GO & LOVE WHATEVER IS!!! CJ Liu & Michael Sandler | Health | Inspiration | Motivation | Self-Help | Inspire



A beautiful show on letting go, loving what is, and how life changes during big events - like's Jessica's pregnancy.Plus discussion on the power of sleep, routines, and getting things done! Letting Go and Loving What Is Self-Improvement & Self-Help Topics Include: What can we learn from Jessica’s pregnancy? What is a home water birth? What’s a birthing pool? What in the world is Pookie Power? What’s the “1st tri-mester conspiracy”? What it means to figure everything out? What it means that Jessica’s work is to build a baby? What it means to let go of defining yourself by your accomplishment? What’s a constant process of letting go? What it means to relax into everything? What’s it mean to clear energetic imprints for healing? How can getting a better night’s sleep help shift your mind? What greater sleep can do for you? What it means to take things one thing at a time? How do we let go of fear to be more in the present moment? What it means to shift our perspective? What it means to surrender to what is.