Wolfman's Lounge

Halloween III Retrospective



Has there ever been a sequel in a horror franchise that has garnered more hate and fury from fans than Halloween III: Season of the Witch? It's a movie that even three decades later still gets Halloween fans divided. We're here to take a look at this black sheep and find out the truth. We here at the Lounge always encourage people to "like what they like" and take our opinions as simply that. Opinions. Look, if your only reason for never sitting down and exploring this weird sequel is because it's lacks Michael Myers you need to get over yourself. Myers has returned in full force and sullied the Halloween franchise in ways worse than Season of the Witch could have ever dreamed of! Besides we're in the middle of Halloween franchise renaissance thanks to the recent film and it's time for fans to circle back to the highly misunderstood Season the Witch. So please join us on another horror podcasting adventure as we dive into the John Carpenter guided and Tommy Lee Wallace directed misfit movie, Halloween III.