Raconteurs News

Raconteurs News No219



RACONTEURS NEWS RN 219. Jason Holmes, Andy Young & Paul Webster. “Looking at Both Sides, Lets have conversation”. “5G WhyFry”. Andrew K Fletcher. No Guests this evening. Jason is running a bit late, so Paul ‘Webby’ Webster and Andy Young are holding the fort. The main-stream news is as pathetic as ever. Nick ‘Two Kitchens’ Clegg has a new job. He will work for Facebook as their Vice President of global affairs and communications. In the New Year, January 2019, Cleggy will be upping sticks; moving family, himself and kitchens to the USA. Ain’t life grand. Are our American friends aware about the state of their country? Is President Trump the man who can truly drain the swamp? Is he the man in charge? Is this all led by the media? Are Prince Harry and Meghan breaking Royal protocol? Should we honestly care? How many kids will be innocent victims of sexual abuse? Could our Royal Family do something about that? If we all have an opinion let us talk. In part two after the break Andy Young will post a ‘Googl