Boiling The Ocean

Everybody's becoming a consultant



Without us realizing it, in some significant ways everyone is becoming a consultant these days. First, the obvious trend line is that the so-called gig economy is exploding, and some forecasts predict that within ten years, freelance workers may represent more than 50% of the U.S. working population. But it's not just that people are becoming their own bosses and building portfolio careers; the actual work style and skill sets that are increasingly prized in the current labor marketplace are mirroring the job description of a modern consultant. Soon, everyone will be asked to work in project-based sprints, spend a stint as part of an international team, collectively solve a set of complex problems ... and then start the whole process again. That is the life of a management consultant, and we believe that a lot more people will work and live like that in the future - whether or not they describe themselves that way. Tune in to this episode for a lively discussion on the future or work, the gig economy, portfol