Live Better, Give Better

How spirit guides can help you live a better life - with Joanna Hennon



Have you heard the term 'spirit guide' but never understood what it meant?Now's your opportunity to learn how your spirit guides can help you (and what on earth they are). With we bring you a free video and podcast on different topics to help you live a better life. In return we ask you to help give a better life buy buying a related charity product with the proceeds going to a charity.To check out Joanna's spirit guide product and more details on the podcast, visit:   ------   “It’s like a soul nudge….” Joanna Hennon I loved this chat with Joanna and I loved this term ‘soul nudge’. We talk about spirit guides, what they are and how you can use them in your life to bring you into trusting yourself and your choices more. Joanna talks through how she uses her spirit guides on a daily basis and it’s clear given her growing community and business that they are serving her well. I’ve heard of the term ‘spirit guide’ and to be honest I’ve often shied a