Your Mark On The World

Episode 50: Richard Bliss, Funding Your Dreams on Kickstarter



June 24, 2013 - Read the full Forbes article and watch the interview here: Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes by clicking here: or on Stitcher by clicking here: Having now done more live interviews here on my blog than I can count, I’m more excited than ever to have crowdfunding celebrity and expert Richard Bliss of the “Funding the Dream on Kickstarter” podcast with us today. Bliss is a career marketer with deep experience in social media and crowdfunding. He is the Senior Vice President of Global Marketing at Social Tech Media. He will share with us his insights from his work as a crowdfunding coach and consultant on countless successful crowdfunding campaigns. Bliss’s recent guests on his podcast include Seth Godin, filmmaker Doug Morse, and Brian Fargo, who raised $2 million on Kickstarter. We’ll ask Bliss to take was he’s learned about Kickstarter and apply it to the needs and interests of social entrepreneurs and nonp