Your Mark On The World

#72: World Looks Anxiously To Pakistan, Afghanistan And Nigeria To Eradicate Polio



July 22, 2014 - Read the full Forbes article and watch the interview here: Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes by clicking here: or on Stitcher by clicking here: Polio, once a global monster, is now a cornered rat, lashing out in hopes of repopulating. Reduced 99.9 percent from an average number of cases around 400,000 thirty years ago, the number of global polio cases has been cut to around 400 annually. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative hopes to see the final case of polio either late this year or early next year. All polio cases, regardless of where they are found, now originate from three countries: Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. You can count the number of cases this year in Afghanistan or Nigeria on your fingers; the end of polio there is clearly within reach. All three countries have been impacted by conflict in recent years, making the battle against polio at this critical stage challenging. The battle is so