Your Mark On The World

#73: Teen Social Entrepreneur Leaves His Mark On The World



July 18, 2014 - Read the full Your Mark on the World article and watch the interview here: Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes by clicking here: or on Stitcher by clicking here: Henry Miller launched his social venture (with a little help from his parents) at age eleven. He’s never looked back. His company, Henry’s Humdingers, makes all natural condiments using raw honey. He recently appeared on Shark Tank. He shared his story with me: It all happened one day when me and my mom got on a plane and sat next to this bee farmer. He talked about helping bees and the dreadful hive collapse disorder. He told me humans couldn’t live seven years if bees disappeared. We wouldn’t have enough food because the bees wouldn’t be there to pollinate the corn or the wheat or even tomatoes. OK, I don’t like tomatoes, but I know we need them for stuff like pizza. At the end of the flight my mom said we could get bees and I could start my own compan