Your Mark On The World

#105: Community Foundations Build, Protect Their Communities



September 4, 2014 - Read the full Forbes article and watch the interview here: Subscribe to this podcast on iTunes by clicking here: or on Stitcher by clicking here: One of the backbones of American philanthropy is the community foundation, which plays a variety of critical roles in building and protecting a community. These community foundations operate in every state in the nation. Personally, I’ve been receiving an education since I joined the Board of the Community Foundation of Utah as a volunteer. Community foundations may become significant players in the impact investing space in the coming decade. Many gifts to such foundations are in the form of donor advised funds, commonly abbreviated as DAFs. A donor advised fund operates a bit like a family foundation, allowing the grantor to “advise” the sponsor holding the assets about what to do with the money, all of which must ultimately be donated to charity. Commonly, whe