Sct Podcast

SCT Podcast - Episode 77 - Trading After a Large Market Move



The market can have unexpected moves at any time. What do you do as an investor after a large market correction or sell off like we just witnessed? Volatility increases and with it your stress level as an investor and trader. The increase in volatility can be a benefit to traders. The increase in volatility increases the premium in options and can increase the price that options can be sold for. Corrections allow new levels of support and resistance to be made, think of a correction like wiping off a chalkboard, preparing it for the next great idea to be written. This means opportunity for investors and traders, with new ranges and increased volatility corrections can open up a word of opportunity if you are patient and listen to the market's clues. In this episode of the SCT podcast we discuss what to do after a market correction and how to benefit from the "reset".